"The road to glut is paved with good intentions" |
David Alpaugh's essay What's Really Wrong with Poetry Book Contests? has just been published on-line by RATTLE. Calling it "clearly the highlight" of the issue, editor Tim Green notes that "this isn't the first time David Alpaugh has held a mirror up to the poetry industry and asked a lot of provocative questions." Choriamb Poetry News and Reviews finds it "well worth reading" because, although "most people... know about Foetry's famous reportage on fraudulent poetry contests, this article talks about the problem with the business at large." Blogging at Rocket Kids Rachel Dacus advises that "Before you lick the stamps for that envelope, and slip your newest
poetry manuscript into it to head off to a book contest, read Alpaugh's canny investigation of the whole book contest biz."